Welcome to SR Industrials Portfolio

Cure it Glass Fibre Roofing Berkshire
As with all things forming a new waterproof surface starts with a firm solid base to work from.Once this has been achieved the GRP and flashings can be built up to form a strong waterproof barrier with a 20 year guarantee We use this for both domestic & commercial projects finished in a multitude of different colours.Resulting in fast & effective method to resolve felt roof problems.

South East Building & Allied Trades
This project enabled us to perform most of our in-house skills. Brickwork, block paving & coping stone reinstatement & repair. Civils, office studwork, partitioning, fire doors & decoration. Air conditioning removal and reinstatement. Manufacture & fabrication or handrails and cladding.

Equality Act 2010 DDA Washrooms
Following on from the Ufton Court DHWS water systems post, we also installed compliant washrooms at various positions around the building, this was quite a considerable achievement. Including safe and robust sports showers with modern water usage volumes and safe water temperature control.

Structural Timber from Sustainable Forests
You know when you have that spring in your step, but you’re not sure why. Possibly the supports to the decking you are standing on has rotted away. With some of these projects it is not possibly to predict the extent of the works until the structural supports are exposed.Once the extent of the repairs was discovered, new concrete foundations were cast, support metalwork manufactured and structural wood supports installed prior to new decking fabrication.

Amenity Pathways Building & Restoration
Inclement weather can reduce pathways to a quagmire if not suitably built, poor quality paths don’t get better just worse, reducing the customers experience and in some cases spreading mud and debris into reception buildings. Properly constructed and drained pathways will give years of customer satisfaction.

South East & Berkshire Air Handling Units
Supply and install 6 Air Handling Units with the added excitement of removing the old unit, installing the new unit and recommissioning in one week end.

Bracknell Sports & Leisure Centre
The aged toilets at the Bracknell Sports & Leisure Centre were due a refurbishment and the opportunity was taken to bring the toilets up to the current DDA / Equality Act regulations.

South East Steam Heat Exchangers
Tube & shell heat exchangers were great in their day, they enabled Low Temperature Hot Water (LTHW) and Domestic Hot Water Services (DHWS) to be achieved using steam as the primary heating medium.

London & South East Radiant Heating
Possibly the most efficient way to heat large open areas, Radiant Heating. Heating like the sun, that feeling you get when you’re standing outside on a chilly day and the sun comes out from behind a cloud.

Listed Building Hot & Cold Water Supplies
The history of Ufton Court can be tracked back to the Doomsday book, where it is referred to as Offetone, with land for five ploughs, forty acres of meadow and wood for one hog. What wasn’t mentioned was the poor hot & cold water systems. As with all beautiful, elderly buildings, they are not so beautiful behind the scenes